Thursday, February 24, 2011

just a little change

it's amazing how sometimes so small a change can make such a big impact.
if you can remember in previous pictures of my living room, those big frames housed a different palette of colors -- blues and greens and some yellow.
here's a before picture, if you will:
i needed a change, and an inexpensive one at that, so i changed up the paper (surprise!  my low cost art decor is scrapbook paper.  GASP!) in those frames.
and really, such a small change, has made all the difference.
i feel like it has all been made new.
it's like a new lease on life... or rather a new lease on a new home to clean?  does that make sense?
i threw in an old red pillow (incidentally, one that was being used on our patio furniture last summer) and voila, instant make-over!
one more shot:
ahh... doesn't that feel nice?  just a little change!


deborah said...

change doesn't have to be huge in time or $$$$, but it does a make a HUGE difference in our minds and attitudes. love it. you are thinking spring? i am.

Michelle said...

That made a big difference too! Everything just pops now, love it.

stephanie joy said...

thanks girls!
yup, i'm loving the change!
and i love to find ways to make those changes on a budget.
i am DEFINITELY thinking, or rather, dreaming spring!!!
please, PLEASE come!!! ;)